Finding your Limiting Beliefs & Create YOUR BEST YEAR YET!

So what area of your life is not working as well as you would like?

..... Find your limiting beliefs, by following this process.....

If they can have fun & at smile at me.... what's stops us?!

1. Ask yourself in which area of your life are you not getting what you want? (it could be, relationships, home environment, finance, health....) 

2. What story/excuse do you tell yourself to explain the things are the way they are?

3. Look for the belief behind it. Where do you think it comes from? Is it true?  Can you find evidence that it might not be true?

4. What is the payoff (eg. I don’t have to change, risk failing, get to complain (ouch!), get to be right, get to be a good guy/gal... and I am sure you can think of a lot more!)  

5. What is the impact of living like this? What is it the real cost to your :  peace of mind, finances, happiness, health, career, relationship, financial situation??

6. What belief would serve you better? ___________________ What would that make available to you? ......... How would your life look then? ..... What would you be doing differently?

Now, what is stopping you? One Life. That's all we get. What will you do with it?

(This is a great exercise to come back and for different areas of your life)

  • Register your interest today.... for my annual Best Year Yet workshop and Vision Boarding --  my guarantee: you will be amazed at all that happened, you learned and did the past year- and! you will walk away with a completely new awareness of what really matters to you, what is still unlearned yet. and discover your own personal method to motivate yourself - based on what worked & didn't work this year for you!   email me:     Subject: I want a Best Year & Vision Board..  And let this be your best New Years Party yet!